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Product Description

Art2Silkscreen Ghost Buster - The most powerful aggressive haze remover.

A corrosive cleaning agent developed for the textile industry for screens.
High maximum strength.  Caustic,so please follow appropriate health and safety guidelines.

Will remove tough harsh ghosting and emulsion residue on the screen. Also recommended for removing Rhino screen films from your screens.

Directions: Use straight for maximum strength. Apply the product on the
surface with a chemical cleaning brush on both sides of the screen using Art2Silk cleaning brush in a circular motion, then remove it after 5 minutes using a fine nozzle, strong high pressure washer (165 barr) blast the screen.  Wear suitable protective goggles and gloves.

WARNING: This is not a friendly chemical and is for industrial use only, DO NOT allow contact with eyes or skin.  This Ghost buster contains Potassium hydroxide, Sodium  Hydroxide, Xychlohexinone.

Customer Reviews

Max Strength Ghost Buster Haze Remover